Remembering our heroes.


There has been a lot of discussion…sometimes heated…about our district making up a bad weather day on Memorial Day. Although I wish I was home enjoying this time of remembrance with my family, I wanted to share what I have witnessed today.

We began the day with Command Sergeant Major David G. Carpentier leading the pledge of allegiance. He also gave a brief history of Memorial Day and read the names of those veterans that have passed from VFW Post 9182.

Command Sergeant Major David G. Carpentier and our principal, Mr. Grisdale

Memorial Day at OTHS

Throughout the morning, there have been multiple conversations between students and staff about Memorial Day and their loved ones. Some of these students have loved ones that were veterans and wished they were home celebrating with them. Also, many teachers have taken the opportunity to speak with their students about the true meaning of Memorial Day and have showed videos of veterans speaking about what Memorial Day means to them. If we were not at school today, these conversations would not have taken place. I truly feel that we are honoring those that have fought and sacrificed for our country by remembering them and sharing our stories.

Most of us know someone that has or is serving in the military. Today and everyday, let them know how much you appreciate them!

Here is a picture of my brother when he was in ROTC at Texas Tech University and my son, who is now a freshman at Tompkins High School. (1999)

David and Michael

This picture was taking several years ago of my brother serving in Afghanistan.

David in Afghanistan

Thank you to the brave for fighting for and protecting our freedom!

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