Banned Books Week

banned boks

Celebrate your fREADom to read this week with the Tompkins Library!

Banned Books Week is an annual event that promotes the freedom to express one’s opinions even if that opinion might be considered unpopular, and stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those viewpoints to all who wish to read them (American Library Association).

A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, while a banning is the removal of those materials. Books may be challenged or banned for a variety of reasons, including offensive language, being sexually explicit, or being unsuitable for an age group.

The Tompkins Library is celebrating with challenged/banned books displays and activities. Stop by and show your support for Banned Books Week by checking out a banned book!




Students can participate in a “Guess the banned book” contest for a FREE Chick-Fil-A sandwich! We LOVE our business partners!


Faculty and staff members will have the chance to win a FREE Starbuck’s gift card by participating in a Banned Books Week crossword. (Don’t pay attention to the date on the crossword. We loved Banned Books Week so much that we are celebrating for TWO weeks!)


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