Welcome to the Tompkins family, Rhinos!

You may have heard that one of our neighboring elementary schools lost power in their school this week. Because of the outage, the elementary students were housed at our school for 3 days while crews worked hard to fix the power issues.

It was such an honor to host the staff and students of Rylander Elementary. Here are some of the highlights of our 3 days as FALCINOS!

Coach Dye (KOLA teacher/CC/Track coach) created a unique mascot mashup of both schools, which resulted in the FALCINO. The image went viral and even ended up on the Channel 2 news!  


It was so fun to see little tables set up for Kindergarten classes in the classrooms!


 The Rylander librarian taught an ebook lesson with students using our new Light Raise wall. She is now on a mission to get one for her school! 🙂


 We also paired up high school students to read to elementary students. Talk about excited! The high school kids were jumping up and down because they were so excited to read with the little students!



Some theater students even acted out the stories for the elementary students.


Thank you Rylander staff for the yummy and flavorful popcorn! We truly loved having you visit. Come back anytime!




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